niedziela, 28 maja 2017

Flowers in spring? revealing :-)

Father Figure - George Michael 

That's all I wanted 
Something special, something sacred 
In your eyes 
For just one moment 
To be bold and naked 
At your side 

Sometimes I think that you'll never 
Understand me 
Maybe this time is forever 
Say it can be 

That's all you wanted 
Something special, something sacred 
In your life 
Just for one moment 
To be warm and naked 
At my side 

Sometimes I think that you'll never 
Understand me 
But something tells me together 
We'd be happy 

I will be your father figure 
(oh baby) 
Put your tiny hand in mine 
(I'd love to) 
I will be your preacher teacher 
(be your daddy) 
Anything you have in mind 
(it would make me) 
I will be your father figure 
(very happy) 
I have had enough of crime 
(please let me) 
I will be the one who loves you 
Until the end of time 

That's all I wanted 
But sometimes love can be mistaken 
For a crime 
That's all I wanted 
Just to see my baby's 
Blue eyed shine 
This time I think my lover 
Understands me 
If we have faith in each other 
Then we can be 

I will be your father figure 
Put your tiny hand in mine 
I will be your preacher teacher 
Anything you have in mind 
I will be your father figure 
I have had enough of crime 
I will be the one who loves you 
Until the end of time 

If you are the desert 
I'll be the sea 
If you ever hunger 
Hunger for me 
Whatever you ask for 
That's what I'll be 

So when you remember the ones who have lied 
Who said that they cared 
But then laughed as you cried 
Beautiful darling 
Don't think of me 
Because all I ever wanted 
It's in your eyes baby, baby 
And love can't lie, no 
(greet me with the eyes of a child) 
My love is always telling me so 
(heaven is a kiss and a smile) 
Just hold on, hold on 
I won't let you go, my baby 

I will be your father figure 
Put your tiny hand in mine 
I will be your preacher teacher 
Anything you have in mind 
I will be your father figure 
I have had enough of crime 
(so I am gonna love you) 
Until the end of time 
I will be your father 
I will be your preacher 
I'll be your daddy 
I will be the one who loves you 
Until the end of time...

Słynna scena z filmu "Diabeł ubiera się u Prady" - kiedy jedna z bohaterek proponuje na wiosnę styl kwiatowy, a główna naczelna magazynu o modzie odpowiada - Kwiaty na wiosnę? odkrywcze...(z ironią).
Więc może i nie bardzo odkrywcze i być może banalne, ale zaryzykowałam i założyłam sukienkę w ten wzór w tak piękny słoneczny dzień.
Sukienka mój pomysł i projekt uszyta przez zaprzyjaźnioną krawcową długo leżała w szafie jakoś veny i nastroju na nią nie miałam, ale widać jej czas w końcu nadszedł.
Piękne wiosenne widoki, delikatne sandałki i do czerwonych kwiatów wiosenne tło.
Dobrego tygodnia dla Was.

Mam na sobie:
sukienka/dress - Mój projekt 
torebka/bag- szafa kobiet domowych :-)
buty/shoes - eobuwie/Clarks
kurtka/jacket - Orsay

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